The White Russian Cocktail (cocktail, , vodka) - The White Russian, a creamy and decadent concoction, belongs to the Coffee Cocktail family.  Born in the 1940s, likely in Belgium, it is a close cousin to the Black Russian, differing only by the addition of cream.

The White Russian Cocktail

2 oz Vodka
1 oz Coffee Liqueur
Light Cream
Pour vodka and coffee liqueur over ice cubes in an old-fashioned glass.
Fill with light cream and serve.

The White Russian Cocktail

cocktail vodka cocktail, , vodka, Cocktail Cocktail 1 serving

The White Russian, a creamy and decadent concoction, belongs to the Coffee Cocktail family. Born in the 1940s, likely in Belgium, it is a close cousin to the Black Russian, differing only by the addition of cream.

What does the The White Russian Cocktail taste like?

The White Russian is a creamy, decadent cocktail with a smooth, full-bodied flavor. Vodka provides a clean, neutral base, while coffee liqueur adds rich, roasted coffee notes and a hint of sweetness. The light cream contributes a velvety texture and a subtle, dairy-like sweetness. The overall taste profile is indulgent and balanced, with the coffee and cream complementing the vodka beautifully.

What tips do you have when making the The White Russian Cocktail?

For the perfect White Russian, chill your glassware and vodka. Use a good quality coffee liqueur, preferably one with a strong coffee flavor. Pour the vodka and liqueur first, then gently layer the cream on top to create a beautiful gradient. Avoid stirring, as this will create a milky mess. Garnish with a coffee bean or a sprinkle of cocoa powder.