Rum Based Cocktail Recipes

cocktail rum

Rum, often called the pirate’s drink, originates from sugarcane, with its production tracing back to the Caribbean in the 17th century.

This spirited beverage is born from molasses or directly from sugarcane juice, which is fermented and then distilled.

The process imbues rum with a rich history and a broad flavor spectrum influenced by aging, type of still, and local traditions.

While molasses-based rums are more common in the Caribbean, cane juice rums, like Rhum Agricole, come from places like Martinique and are known for their grassy, earthy notes.

The fermented sugarcane product is distilled, which can be done in pot stills for fuller-bodied rums or column stills for lighter spirits.

Rum Flavor Profile

Rum's flavor can be sweet, spicy, fruity, or rich, depending on its origin, aging, and whether it's spiced. Caribbean rums might showcase tropical fruits and a sweet finish, while those from Latin America could have a more robust, drier profile.

Aged Rums gain color and flavor from aging in oak barrels, offering caramel, vanilla, or smoky/spicy undertones. White rums havent been aged and are crisper with a subtle sweetness. Spiced Rums are infused with spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, or vanilla, adding warmth to the drink.