The Queen Elizabeth Cocktail (cocktail, martini, gin) - The Queen Elizabeth is a member of the Martini family, showcasing the classic dry vermouth and gin base with a touch of sweetness from Benedictine. While its exact origin is unclear, it likely emerged in the early 20th century, paying homage to the reigning Queen Elizabeth at the time.

The Queen Elizabeth Cocktail

0.5 oz Dry Vermouth
1.5 oz Gin
1.5 Benedictine
Stir all ingredients with ice, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.

The Queen Elizabeth Cocktail

cocktail gin martini cocktail, martini, gin, Cocktail Cocktail 1 serving

The Queen Elizabeth is a member of the Martini family, showcasing the classic dry vermouth and gin base with a touch of sweetness from Benedictine. While its exact origin is unclear, it likely emerged in the early 20th century, paying homage to the reigning Queen Elizabeth at the time.

What does the The Queen Elizabeth Cocktail taste like?

The Queen Elizabeth is a complex and elegant cocktail. The dry vermouth provides a crisp, herbal backbone, while the gin offers a refreshing juniper bite. Benedictine adds a touch of sweetness and a hint of orange and spice. The result is a sophisticated, well-balanced drink that is both refreshing and intriguing.

What tips do you have when making the The Queen Elizabeth Cocktail?

For a balanced Queen Elizabeth, chill your ingredients thoroughly. Use a quality dry vermouth and a good London Dry gin. Benedictine adds a unique herbal sweetness, so use a light hand to avoid overpowering the gin. Stir with ice until well-chilled, strain into a chilled coupe glass, and garnish with a lemon twist for a touch of citrus.