The Kiwi Martini Cocktail (cocktail, martini, vodka) - The Kiwi Martini, a refreshing twist on the classic Martini, belongs to the **Fruit Martini** family. While its exact origin is unclear, it likely emerged in the late 20th century as a contemporary interpretation of the Martini, incorporating the bright flavors of kiwi.

The Kiwi Martini Cocktail

0.5 Kiwi
1 Tsp Sugar Syrup
1.5 oz Vodka
Garnish With Kiwi
The kiwi martini is a very fun vodka cocktail and it is one of the best drinks that makes use of fresh fruit.
Though there are a few recipes floating around, this is one of the easiest and it is an absolutely delightful green martini to drink.
For this recipe, you'll simply muddle slices of kiwi with simple syrup, then shake it with vodka.
It's a drink that anyone can mix up in minutes and a perfect cocktail to show off your favorite vodka.

The Kiwi Martini Cocktail

cocktail vodka martini cocktail, martini, vodka, Cocktail Cocktail 1 serving

The Kiwi Martini, a refreshing twist on the classic Martini, belongs to the Fruit Martini family. While its exact origin is unclear, it likely emerged in the late 20th century as a contemporary interpretation of the Martini, incorporating the bright flavors of kiwi.

What does the The Kiwi Martini Cocktail taste like?

The Kiwi Martini is a bright and refreshing cocktail with a sweet-tart balance. The kiwi’s juicy sweetness is amplified by the sugar syrup and vodka, creating a smooth and creamy texture. The tartness of the kiwi provides a delightful counterpoint, leaving a clean and vibrant finish. It’s a perfect blend of tropical flavors and refreshing coolness.

What tips do you have when making the The Kiwi Martini Cocktail?

For a perfect Kiwi Martini, use ripe but firm kiwis for maximum flavor. Muddle gently, not aggressively, to release juices without creating bitterness. Adjust sugar syrup to taste - some kiwis are sweeter than others. Strain twice, once through a fine mesh strainer to remove pulp, then again through a cocktail strainer for a pristine finish.