The Negroni Family

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Imagine a drink so bold, it’s said to have been born from a moment of defiance.

Enter the Negroni, a cocktail that’s not just a drink, but a statement.

With Negroni Week, bars around the globe celebrate by donating proceeds to charity, proving that this drink has a heart as big as its flavor profile.

So, whether you’re sipping it in a sunlit piazza in Florence or at a bustling bar in Brooklyn, the Negroni invites you to taste history, embrace boldness, and maybe, just maybe, make your own little rebellion against the ordinary.

Here’s to the Negroni – a cocktail that’s as much about the story as it is about the taste.


History of The Negroni

Legend has it that in the early 20th century, a certain Count Camillo Negroni, while sipping his usual Americano (Campari, vermouth, and soda) at Caffè Casoni in Florence, decided he wanted something stronger. He asked the bartender to swap the soda for gin.

Thus, the Negroni was born, not with a whisper, but with a shout.

From Italian aperitivo culture to global cocktail menus, the Negroni has transcended borders, becoming a symbol of sophistication and boldness.

How to make a Negroni

The Negroni is essentially made up of equal parts gin, campari, and sweet vermouth, garnished with an orange peel. Variations exist by replacing the gin with another base spirit such as a whiskey, prosecco, or even cachaca. You can play around with the bitterness by replacing the campari with another amaro, and also playing with the type of vermouth.