The Dry Martini Cocktail (cocktail, martini, gin) - The Dry Martini, a classic member of the Martini family, is a gin-based cocktail with roots in 19th-century America. Its austere dryness, a testament to the dominance of gin over vermouth, is what defines it.

The Dry Martini Cocktail

2 oz Gin
1 oz Dry Vermouth
2 Olives
Straight: Pour all ingredients into mixing glass with ice cubes.
Stir well.
Strain in chilled martini cocktail glass.
Squeeze oil from lemon peel onto the drink, or garnish with olive.

The Dry Martini Cocktail

cocktail gin martini cocktail, martini, gin, Cocktail Cocktail 1 serving

The Dry Martini, a classic member of the Martini family, is a gin-based cocktail with roots in 19th-century America. Its austere dryness, a testament to the dominance of gin over vermouth, is what defines it.

What does the The Dry Martini Cocktail taste like?

The Dry Martini is a symphony of crisp, clean flavors. Gin’s juniper and botanicals take center stage, with dry vermouth adding subtle herbal notes and a hint of dryness. The olive, a classic garnish, contributes a briny, savory touch, balancing the gin’s boldness with a touch of earthiness. It’s a sophisticated, refreshing cocktail with a long, satisfying finish.

What tips do you have when making the The Dry Martini Cocktail?

Chill everything! Gin, vermouth, and the glass should all be ice cold. Use a quality gin and a dry vermouth. Stir, don’t shake! Shaking will dilute the cocktail. Garnish with an olive or a lemon twist. Remember, a good Martini is all about balance. Don’t overpower the gin with too much vermouth. Taste as you go and adjust the vermouth to your liking.