The Coffee Liqueur Homemade (homemade, , vodka) - This Coffee Liqueur is a member of the **liqueur family**, a category of sweet, flavored spirits.  Its origin likely traces back to the 18th century, as coffee and vanilla were already popular ingredients in European cuisine.

The Coffee Liqueur Homemade

10 Tblsp Instant Coffee
4 Tblsp Vanilla Extract
2.5 Sugar
1 Qt Vodka
2.5 Water
Combine coffee, sugar and water.
Simmer 1 hour and let cool.
Add vanilla and vodka.
Age in sealed jar 2 to 3 weeks.

The Coffee Liqueur Homemade

homemade vodka homemade, , vodka, Homemade Cocktail 1 serving

This Coffee Liqueur is a member of the liqueur family, a category of sweet, flavored spirits. Its origin likely traces back to the 18th century, as coffee and vanilla were already popular ingredients in European cuisine.

What does the The Coffee Liqueur Homemade taste like?

This cocktail is a harmonious blend of bold coffee and sweet vanilla, balanced by the smooth vodka and a hint of sugar. The coffee flavor is robust and upfront, with a touch of bitterness that is softened by the warm vanilla notes. The vodka provides a clean, crisp base, while the water ensures a smooth and well-rounded finish.

What tips do you have when making the The Coffee Liqueur Homemade?

For a smooth coffee liqueur, use freshly brewed, strong coffee. Steep the coffee grounds for a slightly longer time than usual for a more concentrated flavor. A high-quality vodka will yield a cleaner taste. Vanilla extract enhances the coffee aroma, so use a good quality one. Finally, adjust sugar to your preference - a little goes a long way!