The Brooklyn Cocktail (cocktail, spirit-forward, rye) - The Brooklyn is a classic Manhattan variation, hailing from the 19th century.  This  rye-based cocktail, sweetened with dry vermouth and a touch of maraschino, boasts a complex flavor profile balanced by bitter notes from Angostura bitters. It's a sophisticated choice for any occasion.

The Brooklyn Cocktail

2 oz Rye Whiskey
1 oz Dry Vermouth
0.25 oz Maraschino Liqueur
3 Dashes Angostura Bitters
1 Maraschino Cherry
Combine ingredients with ice and stir until well-chilled.
Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

The Brooklyn Cocktail

cocktail rye spirit-forward cocktail, spirit-forward, rye, Cocktail Cocktail 1 serving

The Brooklyn is a classic Manhattan variation, hailing from the 19th century. This rye-based cocktail, sweetened with dry vermouth and a touch of maraschino, boasts a complex flavor profile balanced by bitter notes from Angostura bitters. It’s a sophisticated choice for any occasion.

What does the The Brooklyn Cocktail taste like?

The Brooklyn is a dry, complex cocktail with a bold rye whiskey backbone. Dry vermouth adds a herbaceous and slightly bitter edge, balanced by the sweet, cherry-like notes of maraschino liqueur. Angostura bitters contribute a subtle aromatic warmth, while a maraschino cherry provides a final burst of sweetness and fruity character. The overall experience is a sophisticated, slightly bitter, and ultimately refreshing drink.

What tips do you have when making the The Brooklyn Cocktail?

Chill your ingredients! A Brooklyn is best enjoyed ice-cold. Use high-quality rye for a richer flavor. Measure your vermouth carefully - too much will drown out the rye. A dash of bitters adds complexity. Muddle the cherry for a touch of sweetness before adding to your shaker. Garnish with a cherry - optional, but pretty!