The 252 Shot (shot, , rum) - The 252 is a potent rum-bourbon highball, likely hailing from the American South in the mid-20th century. It's a straightforward, high-proof concoction reflecting the era's fondness for strong, unfussy drinks.

The 252 Shot

0.75 oz 151 Proof Rum
0.75 oz Wild Turkey
Add both ingredients to shot glass, shoot, and get drunk quick.

The 252 Shot

shot rum shot, , rum, Shot Cocktail 1 serving

The 252 is a potent rum-bourbon highball, likely hailing from the American South in the mid-20th century. It’s a straightforward, high-proof concoction reflecting the era’s fondness for strong, unfussy drinks.

What does the The 252 Shot taste like?

The 252 is a boozy, punchy cocktail that throws a fiery punch of 151 proof rum and Wild Turkey bourbon. Expect a strong, sweet, and smoky flavor profile with hints of vanilla and caramel from the bourbon. The high proof rum provides a burn and the wild turkey adds a touch of spice. This is not for the faint of heart, but for those who appreciate a potent and intense cocktail experience.

What tips do you have when making the The 252 Shot?

The 252 is a potent concoction, so approach it with respect. * Chill everything: Ice-cold ingredients are key for a refreshing drink. * Use a good quality 151 Proof Rum: This is the star of the show.* Measure accurately: The high alcohol content makes precise measurements essential. * Shake vigorously: A strong shake creates a well-balanced and chilled cocktail. * Garnish simply: A lime wedge or cherry adds a touch of elegance.